
Abide is a collaborative series of sound experiments exploring perceptual modality, seeking to create a space for participants to experience, through sensate realization, a nondual state of consciousness. Through live instrumentation, the creators engage in a kenotic outpouring, withdrawing attention from any semblance of binary musical structure or concrete thought, holding all present in a gentle open attentiveness.

The beginnings of the work formulated with our inquiry into a collaboration at the level of the heart. First within the confines of our own questions as artists and then the words of others. Through research into the study of consciousness, its definitions and boundaries, physics and systems, through theories of algorithmic creation, we formed a series of experiments around these questions.

As artists, how can we create a whole when we do so as the multifarious, perceiving from a place of separateness? Can one bring about a shift within their own structural perception and in doing so, create an experience such that others could perceive formlessness from within form? A different way of structuring the field of perception that does not depend on the initial bifurcation of the perceptual field into inside and outside, instead grasping the entire pattern as a whole-holographically- through a perceptual modality quantitatively more immediate and sensate, working on vibrational resonance rather than mental abstraction.

Abide has been performed in Los Angeles, San Francisco and Oakland in performing arts spaces as well as for private conferences throughout 2017 and 2018.

Co-created and conceptualized Abide as well as performed live generative code for all instances. In addition, built the dome installation piece.



